Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shawshank Redemption

I watched Shawshank redemption a couple weeks ago. This story is about a man who finds out his wife is cheating on him. He got drunk and took a gun with him to get payback on his wife and her lover. The viewer does not find out till much later whether he does or doesn't. Whatever the case, the main character is sentenced for life.

SPOILER ALERT! Don't read the next part if you haven't seen it because it's a fabulous movie!

After he gets very used to prison life and becomes high up in the food chain, the viewer finds out that he's actually Innocent. Knowing this the warden still won't let him out because he is doing his taxes and "stealing" money for the prison on a daily to monthly basis. He is miserable and the watcher sees how he becomes disinterested in his life. You become scared for him, until you find out he's escaped!

But back to the good and evil stuff. This man is obviously wrongly imprisoned. So is it justified that he escapes? It's still against the law isn't it? Should he technically be found and re-imprisoned for escaping? The viewer obviously develops sympathy for him, but should we?
Personally, I'm happy for him. But other people are wrongly convicted, too, and I think he should have to go through the same process as them. If every innocent man in the prison were to escape there would be some major problems. He was under extenuating circumstances, however. On the other hand, he shouldn't have been cheating people out of their money. I don't really know what is right, but I know I'm happy for him.

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